- View ANSI, ASCII, NFO, Shift JIS text art as HTML.
- View server and dev-op logs styled with colored text.
- 16.7 million, 256 and standard 16 color support.
- View BBS colored text files for Celerity, PC Board, Renegade, Telegard, Wildcat!, WVIV systems.
- Swappable palettes; VGA, CGA, xterm, monochrome, Apple IIgs, Commodore 64 and switchable iCE Colors.
- Customizable font and background colors.
- SAUCE metadata parsing.
- Multiple text encodings support including CP-437, ISO-8959-1, Windows-1252, Shift JIS.
- Automatic block character, line artifact fixes.
- Hundreds of IBM PC font choices such as VGA, PS/2, EGA, CGA, MDA plus variants, and more.
- Various Amiga and home computer system fonts; Commodore, Atari, Apple, and more.