

Tracking & Ad Removal on Facebook

Please report bugs at
Ad blocking may not work properly in languages other than English.

Removes Ads and the user interaction tracking from content on Facebook™.
Modified elements can optionally have a custom CSS style applied to them so that cleaned items can be more easily identified.

For links, the event listeners on the link and its parents are removed and/or disabled and a proper href is set.

For videos on mobile, all Facebook™ event-listeners and custom controls are removed, and the video is simplified into just the bare HTML5 video tag.

Privacy Policy
I don't, and never will, collect or send any data to myself or any third parties

Explanation of permissions:

Project is completely open source, so you are welcome, and encouraged, to check the code yourself before installing.


- More svg label handling adjustments

- Fix split text in svg labels

- Refactored project into ES modules
- Options changes are applied without a page reload
- Existing rules won't be replaced by bundled copies in case of network errors
- Fixes and supporting code for marketplace ads

- Fix ad detection. Handle svg/aria trickery.

- Fix mention completion popup - closes #62

See CHANGELOG for full list

"Facebook" and "FB" are registered trademarks of Facebook Inc. This extension is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Facebook.

Options popup Collapsed ad Cleaned links with border