

Block Image|Video

Block Image|Video is an addon that lets you easily block or hide desired items (image, video, etc.) with just one click.

Once you add this addon to your Firefox, a button will appear in the toolbar. This button shows that the addon is active (with a red color). Now, before using the addon, please visit the options page and choose a desired item(s) to block or hide (i.e. image).

By default, NO item is selected. Please note that, if you choose to - hide - items, the addon lets these items to be loaded in the browser, but, will make them invisible. On the other hand, if you choose to – block - any item, the addon prevents that specific item from loading into your browser. This way, loading the web-pages may become faster but you cannot make images to become visible again (if the addon is turned off).

Note 1: before using the addon, please visit the options page and adjust the item(s) you want to block or hide.

Note 2: to report bugs, please visit the addon homepage and fill the bug report form.
