Hold Up There Traveler!
As you might have noticed, time seems to pass by quicker on time-wasting sites like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Imgur... you know the sorts.
Hours pass by like minutes.. And sometimes you don't even remember how you got there!
Will Save is a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome. Once installed, link your Duolingo account to receive potions for each lesson you complete. Trade in potions to spend time on time-wasting sites you've added to your blocklist.
Q: Do I need to give you my duolingo password?
A: Not at all. You simply tell the extension what your duolingo username is, and it will pull your exp info from the public API.
Q: How can I tweak how many minutes I get per potion, or how many exp per potion?
A: In the extension settings (Chrome: chrome://extensions > Will-Save > Settings, Firefox: Tools > Addons) you can customize these two settings. By default you get 1 potion per 10XP and 10 minutes per potion.
Q: Will I be credited for lessons I do on the Duolingo apps?
A: Yes! Because the extension looks at Duolingo's API, anytime you're credited with EXP you will be able to use it.
Q: Does it cost money?
A: Nope. No ads either. The amount of time it's saved me is well worth my effort.
- License: MIT License
- Weekly downloads: 1
- Average daily users: 7
- Rating: 3.6667/5 of 3 ratings
- Created: 2017-04-02 07:30:29
- Last updated: 2017-05-19 13:10:46
- Homepage: https://unregistered.github.io/will-save/
- Support site and email
- Orig: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/will-save-for-duolingo-reviews/
- API: will-save@unregistered