

Time Capsule

The best person to send you links matching your interests is a time traveling version of yourself: create a time capsule by choosing when the current tab should be re-opened; this will bookmark the current tab, and program to re-open it in the future, according to the choosen periodicity, be it an hour, a day, a month, a year, a decade!

It will then re-open at this periodicity until the end of times. Or until you un-bookmark it.

Why would I need this?

Top features

If you feel the need but this doesn't match your expectations, you might be happy with the perfectly fine Snooze Tab addon.

Sending links to your past self isn't possible yet, but could come in a future version. It might be a premium feature reserved to generous donators.

Advices to keep it sane

How does it works?
It basically rely on an internal time vortex to send the links. See the code for more details.

See also
If you like this addon, you might like this other project of mine:, a web app to share your books inventory with your friends!

clicking on the addon button displays the periodicity-picker for the current tab addon banner