

New Tab Tweaker

Do you find yourself gazing upon Firefox's default bland-and-boring 'New Tab' page far more often that you do the wonderful wallpaper you oh so carefully chose to decorate your Desktop with? If so, then this is the add-on for you!


How to use local files as wallpapers
Firefox currently does not allow WebExtensions to access 'file:///...' URLs. However, until that becomes possible, New Tab Tweaker does support the following workaround:
  1. Install HTTP File Server (HFS)
  2. Host your wallpaper directory on HFS.
  3. Add the following line to the wallpaper URLs textbox in New Tab Tweaker's options (without quotes): '[list] http://localhost/[WP]/?tpl=list'. Where '[WP]' is the path to your wallpaper directory on HFS. If that directory contains sub-folders with images, replace '?tpl=list' with '?tpl=list&folders-filter=&recursive' instead.
The URL above will instruct HFS to build a list of all files in your wallpaper directory. The [list] tag at the front of the line tells New Tab Tweaker to treat the URL not as an image, but as a list of URLs to images. One will be selected randomly from among them. You can configure HFS to launch at system start for your convenience.

Something's not working? Got a question and/or suggestion? Post it here.

When opting for a display of a wallpaper, this image context menu becomes available. Redirection options. Background and wallpaper options. A sample custom new tab page. Top site visibility options.