

Immediate Currency Converter

For old user, if you are not able to get the new currencies converted. You can remove the plugin and install again.

Thank you for everyone who supporting this extension so far.

You just have to select the base currency and converting currency from the drop down box of the toolbar icon. Then highlight any NUMBER on the web page and get converted amount and currency!

There are more than 150 currencies supported now.
Hope you enjoy it!

send me a email if you have a greater idea.

# hover to see currency country.
# highlight number with comma is accepted, such as, 1,000,00.00 is accepted.
# highlight together with currency symbol is accepted now, such as €1,000 is accepted.
# new sidebar to show your recent converted value and allow user to copy the value for their own usage.

Tada! notification pop up with converted amount and currency. Highlight only number on the web page. Look for convert from xxx to xxx. After selections. Select the desired currency to do exchange later on. From base currency (the currency you want to convert to) to convert to currency (the currency you want to know after converted). First install, showing getting started notification. You can click on the sidebar on top right of your browser and select list of converted value of Immediate Currency Converter. Then you will be able to see a list of 10 recent converted value and you can click on the copy button to copy the text and for your other usage. You can read the guide for more information. If you click on more currencies, you can select all the available currencies. You can also type to filter the currency. Then click on it to select one. You can also open sidebar or press