

Sidebar Notepad

Content is AES encrypted with your chosen password (using Crypto-JS library) and saved in browser local storage.

Keyboard shortcut to open sidebar Ctrl + Shift + Z

If you loose your password the add-on author is not able to help you in decrypting your saved content, dont loose your password.

Saving an empty notepad content will result in an error, since this might compromise the password, impatient first time users trying to save empty content fail and give this add-on worse reviews than it deserves.
To strenghten confidentiality neither the password nor password hash is stored, but an intentionally weak crc providing only a weak probable clue to the correctness of the password against automated brute force decryption.

(keyboard shortcut not always works, not this add-on specific issue)

if first password validates not too weak then,
<br>notepad area becomes editable,  
<br>save button becomes  enabled to display saved content, 
<br>enter your password, 
<br>press validate button.
<br>neither the password nor password hash is saved for matching select decent first password,
<br>validate first password before proceeding to 
<br>edit notepad sucsessfull decryption if indeed the pasword is right delete both saved content and password
<br>if you cant remember your password content and password deleted sucsessfuly
<br>ready for new password and content Keyboard shortcut to open sidebar Ctrl + Shift + Z
( keyboard shortcut not always works, not this add-on specific issue )