

Block Unreachable Scripts

Some websites load JavaScript from third-party servers that are sometimes unreachable (because of company firewalls/outdated DNS servers/bad SSLs/etc.). This will cause the website to stall (freeze) as it waits for that server to respond. The only recourse is to wait patiently for that request to time out, before the website can continue loading.

This extension will monitor those failed JavaScript requests and will skip over them if any websites try to load from those servers again. This prevents the website from stalling again. The block will only occur for 5 minutes (configurable) in case the server is restored later.

Failed requests can be viewed in the toolbar button, which shows which URLs were blocked and how long the block will last. The toolbar button only appears when scripts are blocked.

Note that this extension does not target anyone and has no black-list or white-list. Blocking only occurs if the server was previously unreachable and therefore the content would not have loaded anyway.

Test the effects of unreachable servers here:

This extension will also redirect webpages (not inside iframes) that are unreachable and have a secondary URL hidden within it's primary URL.
