

Show comic title-text

Show the title-text below a comic page. Instead of having to hover the mouse to read it, the text is just there already. Actually, it doesn't have to be a comic — you can turn this on for any domain.

Firefox for Android is now supported, but due to missing WebExtensions APIs, the context menu is not available and extension preferences won't sync with Firefox Sync.


Since many images have title-text, you have to set which image on which domains is a comic with interesting title-text. The easy way to add rules is with the context menu: right-click on a comic and pick "Set title-text rule with this image". Context menus are not available in Firefox for Android.

The extension can guess what rule should be added and offer a page action icon (in the location bar). This is disabled by default because it may slow down page loading (and the guessing will not be as good as just right-clicking on the comic), except on Android where it is the only convenient way to add rules.

You can edit (or manually create) rules in the add-on preferences. Each domain is associated with a CSS selector identifying the comic image. For example, #comic > img would work for

Once you've finished adding most rules, you can remove the context menu entry or disable the page action from the add-on preferences.

This extension is Free Software, made available under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. You can download the source code from the repository on GitHub.

Set up your favourite comics to show title-text with the context menu.  (Context menus are not available on Android.)  [comic:] Yes, it still shows up on hover as well.  [comic:] Comic title-text appears after the comic, no matter what your mouse is doing, after you add a rule for the domain.  [comic:] Alternatively, set up the rule with the page action icon.  The extension will guess which image is the comic.  (You must enable this mode in the extension preferences, except on Android.)  [comic:] Manage the rules from the add-on preferences.  You can turn off the context menu entry and the page action icon when you aren't using them. There's a warning when you visit a page with a rule set but it doesn't match any image on the page. [background comic:]