

Cute Save Button

This button will appear on any image/video under your mouse cursor so you could quickly save it in one click or with custom hotkeys, no popups, no menus, no excess movements.

Click on the button or simply press Space when the button is appeared to save the file.

You can set any amount of save locations accessible via customizable hotkeys.

- right click (or Ctrl+Space) to save with original filename (works on most popular imageboards)
- middle click to save the file and copy its url to clipboard
- you can set your custom icon so the button would be even more cuter (or not)
- always downloads original full-sized images (currently supported: vk, twitter, tumblr, instagram)
- Alt+Q to hide the button
- hold Shift for "deep scan" (checks for background-image and ignores filtering by image size)
- hold Ctrl to prevent button from hiding (can be useful if button somehow appeared outside of the image area)
- make sure your hotkey won't interfere with browser reserved hotkeys

Github page

Chrome version
