

Bookmark Dupes

After installing bookmarkdupes, the basic usage is rather simple:

To open bookmarkdupes, click the extension symbol (duplicate stars) or use the link in the options page of the extension.
Do not enable expert mode (unless you know what you are doing, see separate section).
Then select what you want to display:

  1. Bookmark duplicates
  2. Empty folders
  3. Non-duplicate bookmarks</<li>
  4. All bookmarks

After this, you will be offered the list of bookmarks with checkboxes; in case 1 the numbers indicate the order in which matching bookmarks were added according to the internally stored date.
There are also button to select/unselect convenient sets of checkboxes.
Finally, there appear buttons to remove the selected bookmarks (or to move them to a “Dupes” folder) in cases 1-3, or to strip the descriptions of the selected bookmarks in case 4. (The latter has some side effects, see section Known Bugs).

Be aware that removing/moving bookmarks or stripping descriptions is irreversible!
It is recommended to make backups of your bookmarks first!

Currently, there is no working version available for android (see section Known Bugs).

When you reorganized/added/removed bookmarks, make sure to update the
displayed list (by pressing the corresponding button) before removing
bookmarks or stripping descriptions!
In particular, stripping descriptions with an outdated list will move
the corresponding bookmarks to their previous location in the bookmark menu!


The extension requires the following permissions for these reasons:
  1. “bookmarks” to read/modify bookmarks
  2. “storage” to store/restore the customized rules in expert mode.
    Unfortunately, “storage” is not one of the optional_permissions which might be required only if that feature is actually requested by the user, see

Expert Mode

When selecting the checkbox for expert mode, details can be configured to
ignore certain bookmarks when calculating the list or under which cases
bookmarks are considered to be dupes of each other.

In non-expert mode, two bookmarks are considered to be duplicates of each other if their URL coincides. In expert mode there are custom rules by which the URL which is actually used for comparison is to be modified. The details are as follows.

For every bookmark the rules are applied in the given order.
There are 2 types of rules: Filter rules and URL modification rules
(there are also disabled rules which are only listed but have no effect).

For both types of rules 4 regular expressions can be specified which are used
to determine if the rule applies: If the corresponding regular expression is
nonempty, the corresponding condition must be satisfied or the rule will not
apply. (In the case of filter rules, at least one of these 4 regular
expressions must be nonempty or that filter rules will not apply either.)

The 4 regular expressions refer to the bookmark's name or url, respectively,
and the regular expressions must either match or not match, respectively.

If a filter rule applies, the corresponding bookmark is ignored, i.e.,
it will not be considered as a duplicate and will neither appear in the
list of empty folders or of all bookmarks.

If a URL modification rule applies, a text replacement will occur:
All parts matching a specified regular expression are substituted by a
replacement text (which might be empty).
The rules for this correspond to the javascript String.prototype.replace function with the
global modifier, see e.g.

In particular, the replacement text can contain symbols like
$& or $1 to refer to the whole matched text or to the
match of the first brace in the regular expression, respectively.

The following 5 replacement texts have a special meaning which goes beyond
the standard javascript replacement rules.

Note that this special meaning is only active if this is the full replacement
text. In other words, to get the special meaning, the replacement text must not
contain anything else than these 4-6 characters.
(This does not really restrict the functionality, because one can combine
several rules to work around that limitation if necessary.)

  1. “L$&” is the match in lower case.
  2. “U$&” is the match in upper case.
  3. “$URL” is the url before any other rules have been applied.
  4. “$NAME” is the bookmark's full name/path with folders separated by the null character, e.g. “Bookmark MenuCollectionExample”
  5. “$TITLE” is the bookmark's title without the path; for instance, for the bookmark name “Bookmark Menu | Collection | Example” it is “Example”.
Cases 3-5 can be preceeded or followed by `$$&` to prepend or append the match.

Examples for special tasks which can be done in Expert Mode

Supported Languages

Default language: en
Complete translations: ar, de, es, ru, sv_SE, uk
Mainly but not quite complete translation: zh_CN

Known Bugs

  1. Live bookmarks are falsely recognized as empty folders.
  2. Stripping of descriptions works by replacing the bookmark by a freshly created one. In particular, it updates the bookmark creation date.
  3. Stripping of descriptions creates bookmarks in the place where it was when the displayed list was calculated, see and the second part of
  4. In some firefox versions (e.g. 55.0.3) it has been reported that pressing the duplicate stars does not open a new tab. You can try to use the link in the options page of the extension instead if you have this problem. The reason for the problem is still unknown, see
  5. Android lacks the bookmark API necessary for bookmarkdupes:

Contributors (alphabetical order)

Plain session Session with copies in the same folder Example with expert mode