

Clear New Tab

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★ New Tab
Clear New Tab removes everything from the new tab page.

★ Chrome Web Store themes
Clear New Tab lets you install themes from Chrome Web Store (only wallpapers).

★ Your own background
You can upload your own background (image, gif, video or solid color) as a background in the new tab page.

★ Cycle through different backgrounds
You can make Clear New Tab cycle through your backgrounds, showing you different background every time you open a new tab.

★ Random solid color
Clear New Tab can show you a randomly generated solid color background every time you open a new tab.
Access you data for and
Allows the extension to dowload a theme crx package which contains a theme background and other data about a theme (background repeat, сolor of area around background etc).

Access you data for
Allows the extension to append the "Install theme" button in Chrome Web Store.

Optional permissions:
Get data from the clipboard
Allows the extension to paste an image or a link to an image in the "Paste image or URL" input with the "Paste" button.

Access you data on all websites
Allows the extension to download an image when its link is pasted in the "Paste image or URL" input as opposed to just store the link to it.

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