

Quantum Hasher

What good security practice demands:

* Strong passwords that are hard to guess.
* Different passwords at each site.
* Periodically changing existing passwords.

Why you probably aren't practicing good security:

* Strong passwords are difficult to remember.
* Juggling a multitude of passwords is a pain.
* Updating passwords compounds the memorization problem.

How Quantum Hasher helps:

* Strong passwords are automatically generated.
* The same master key produces different passwords at many sites.
* You can quickly upgrade passwords by "bumping" the site tag.
* You can upgrade the master key without updating all sites at once.
* It supports different length passwords.
* It supports special requirements, such as digit and punctuation characters.
* All data is saved to the browser's secure password database.
* It's extremely simple to use!

Quantum Hasher activated with the Quantum Hasher activated with the Quantum Hasher activated with the Quantum Hasher activated on Quantum Hasher working in Firefox for Android. Quantum hasher shown in the toolbar of Firefox for Android.