

Google Container

THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL ADDON FROM MOZILLA! It is a fork of the Facebook Container addon.

What does it do?
Google Container works by isolating your Google identity into a separate container that makes it harder for Google to track your visits to other websites with third-party cookies.

How does it work?
Installing this extension deletes your Google cookies and logs you out of Google.
The next time you navigate to Google it will load in a new red colored browser tab (the “Container”).
You can log in and use Google normally when in the Google Container. If you click on a non-Google link or navigate to a non-Google website in the URL bar, these pages will load outside of the container.
Clicking Google Share buttons on other browser tabs will load them within the Google Container. You should know that using these buttons passes information to Google about the website that you shared from.

Which website features will not function?
Because you will be logged into Google only in the Container, embedded Google comments and Like buttons in tabs outside the Google Container will not work. This prevents Google from associating information about your activity on websites outside of Google to your Google identity.

In addition, websites that allow you to create an account or log in using your Google credentials will generally not work properly. Because this extension is designed to separate Google use from use of other websites, this behavior is expected.

What does Google Container NOT protect against?
It is important to know that this extension doesn’t prevent Google from mishandling the data that it already has, or permitted others to obtain, about you. Google still will have access to everything that you do while you are on

Rather than stop using a service you find valuable, we think you should have tools to limit what data others can obtain. This extension focuses on limiting Google tracking, but other ad networks may try to correlate your Google activities with your regular browsing. In addition to this extension, you can change your Google settings, use Private Browsing, enable Tracking Protection, block third-party cookies, and/or use Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension to further limit tracking.

We do never collect any data, all the data we see, you see.

Other Containers
Google Container leverages the Containers feature that is already built in to Firefox. When you enable Google Container, you may also see Containers named Personal, Work, Shopping, and Banking while you browse. If you wish to use multiple Containers, you’ll have the best user experience if you install the Firefox Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension. You should also check out Temporary Containers .

NOTE: If you are a Firefox Multi-Account Containers user who has already assigned Google to a Container, this extension will not work. In an effort to preserve your existing Container set up and logins, this add-on will not include the additional protection to keep other sites out of your Google Container. If you would like this additional protection, first unassign in the Multi-Account Container extension, and then install this extension.

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