Looking Up Words Has Never Been Easier
- Saladict supports mixed use of multiple search modes.
- Whether it be single-click, double-click, pop-up icon, hovering or keyboard shortcuts, you name it.
- The combination of dictionaries is dynamically adjusted according to search text and Saladict profile.
Good Words Are Kept, Safe and Sound
- Saladict comes with search history and a vocabulary notebook.
- Context of each word is captured and saved.
- WebDAV synchronization, Anki card generation, Shanbay word list, or exporting plaintext in any format.
Multilingual Support, More Than You Expect
- Although Saladict is built for looking up English words, it also supports many other languages.
- Chinese (simplified and traditional), Japanese, Korean, French, German and Spanish are supported with dictionaries.
- Other languages are supported with several machine translation services.
- Each dictionary is well polished to a unify style for comfortable reading experience.
Reading Foreign Essay Is a Piece of “Paper”
- Saladict has three default profiles - Scholar Mode, Translation Mode and Sentence Mode.
- These may come in handy when reading, translating and writing essays in foreign language.
- There is also a build-in PDF viewer which can be used in conjunction with sidebar-mode standalone search panel.
Saladict 7 正式发布!Firefox 同步发布!
- 词典丰富
- 精选大量词典,手工打磨排版,涵盖几乎所有领域
- 自动发音,可选不同词典、英美音
- 各个词典支持个性化调整
- 整个网页翻译,谷歌和有道分级网页翻译
- 右键支持更多词典页面直达
- 划词方式组合变幻无穷
- 支持四种划词方式,支持鼠标悬浮取词
- 查词面板可钉住可拖动可输入
- 钉住可以配置不同划词方式
- 情境模式快速切换词典组合
- 每个情境模式下设置相互独立,快速切换
- 全键盘操作亦可
- 支持设置浏览器快捷键
- 兼容 Vimium 全键盘操作
- 三按 ctrl 打开快捷查词
- 点击地址栏图标快速查词(可设快捷键)
- 单词管理
- 保存上下文以及翻译,准确理解单词
- 支持添加生词
- 可保存查词历史
- 支持黑白名单
- 支持 PDF 划词
- 支持 PDF 黑白名单
- 可显示当前页面二维码
- 安装后请刷新已打开的页面以加载词典,由于安全的原因扩展在谷歌商店的页面无效。
- 双语例句因频率有限制,建议设置取消“默认展开”,需要再点开看。
- 有的英英词典国内的朋友可能需要梯子,具体点一下词典的图标看能不能打开网页。
- 划词需要访问网页数据
- 快速查词会直接搜索剪贴板文字
- 访问一些词典服务器需要修改 cookies
- 划词翻译,一个简便但强大的翻译扩展
- 达达划词翻译,好看的划词翻译
- 口袋划词翻译,可以背单词的划词翻译
- 侧边翻译,一个简单实用的翻译插件
还有 CopyTranslator 也不错!

- License: MIT License
- Weekly downloads: 1239
- Average daily users: 32172
- Rating: 4.8438/5 of 717 ratings
- Created: 2018-05-30 20:07:55
- Last updated: 2020-05-04 08:26:44
- Homepage:
- Support site and email
- Donate
- Orig: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ext-saladict/
- API: saladict@crimx.com