

Edge Translate

Please refresh the page that needs to be translated after installation or update!

Please refresh the page that needs to be translated after installation or update! !

Please refresh the page that needs to be translated after installation or update! ! !

About the page translate feature

Due to the requirements of Firefox reviewers, the version in Firefox Add-ons doesn't include the page translate feature now. If you need it, please refer to here Install Instruction to install the version including page translate.


Welcome to Edge Translate!

Edge Translate is a simple and practical translation plugin that supports mainstream browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and 360 Secure Browser . The main purpose of our plugin is to assist users in reading foreign literature. To this end, we have followed the principle of the user's reading experience first, and made the following efforts:

The birth of Edge Translate is inseparable from the open source community. In the development process of Edge Translate, we used Mozilla's pdf.js as a built-in PDF reader to support word translation in PDF files. We referred to crimx's saladict for solutions of some problems. We also used gulp, webpack and other excellent open source tools to assist in development. And we would like to express our gratitude.

We are also grateful to users who have used Edge Translate since 0.2.0 and provided us with feedback. You have provided us with a lot of very good comments and suggestions. Without you, there may no be the current Edge Translate.


Edge Translate instructions


Edge Translate precautions

Privacy Policy

Edge Translate privacy policy

Questions and Feedback

Edge Translate were developed by us ( nickyc975 and Mark-Fenng ) in our spare time, and there are inevitably some problems. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to give us feedback at the first time and help us to make it better.

In addition, developers are welcome to give us issues and pull requests. If you like this project, welcome to fork & star.
