


GitHub Trending, Hacker News and Product Hunt, on every new tab!

Devo is a new tab extension that displays GitHub Trending, Hacker News and Product Hunt front pages on every new tab, with no-login required.

Devo uses state-of-the-art web technologies to bring the content to your new tab. It does not use any of your personal information: it just fetches the publicly available information of these platforms, and it contains links that directly refers to the platform itself. Devo uses specially-built crawlers for each these platforms, and it styles the data in the way of the original platform. The data is cached for 5 minutes, so that you don't have to wait for the data to be updated on every new tab, but you are also exposed to up-to-date data.

Devo is a completely open source project, developed on GitHub. If you would like to submit issues or add some new functionality, you are very welcome.
