Extends TST to hide tabs when their parent in the tree is collapsed

Click on the left border of any page for scroll to the top.

Add notes to game items to game list, each game and Wishlist page on Steam.

Dodatek do dziennika Synergia prezentujący średnie ocen z nauczanych przedmiotów.

Modifies the layout of SoundCloud's website to be more attractive and user-friendly.

Extension to Enhance your Experience on Realmeye!

Open YouTube videos in a separate window

Add-on that adds a button, «Open in Colab», to the header of IPython notebook hosted in Gist and GitHub

Replaces the new Google icons with the classic Google icons.

A collection of the old-style gmail emojis for easy copy-pasteing.

New tab startpage with nord colors and a dancing goose.

Rewrite //m.* links on web.whatsapp.com

Enables the setting of the URL of the new tab

Browse Netflix website with your Keyboard Arrow Keys.

Beautifies Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Pashto and other right-to-left (RTL) languages

Pops up with everyones favorite idubbbz quote
Pops up with a lovely message. Some may say there is already one out there but this one is gayer.

Displays a digital clock on a page.

CYSFFE (ChooseYourStory Firefox Extension) is a set of featural and graphical enhancements designed to improve the look, feel, and functionality of chooseyourstory.com.

The best looking New Tabs that display time and date in a modern layout and automatically changes its theme day and night.

Enhance your code reading experience on GitHub.

This extension adds a button on the WhatsApp web to increase an decrease audio speed.

Deprecated in favor of https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/arc-darker-theme-we/

Removes the Context Box from YouTube Videos. This is the the wide box that sits under YouTube videos and when you search.

Hide stackexchange's hot network questions

When the sceen is small Twitch chat is anchored at the bottom of the page

Extend the functionality of SYNCROOM website.
Add functionality to the SYNCROOM player's site.

Get rid of the sidebar in stack overflow and see code in the width it deserves.

Fjerner plussartikler fra en rekke norske nettaviser.
Open Source: https://github.com/NicTorgersen/skakkehanopluss
This add on removes plus-articles from most norwegian online newspapers.

Click the icon to easily search for an scp article. Click the "Toggle css" switch to alternate between default and custom css. The user can use either their own custom css, or the one provided.

Removes most podcast references in the Spotify web client