

3702 apps in appearance

Reclaim Screen Space

Take back space in your browser from websites like Pinterest and Medium that block your screen with sticky headers and lightboxes.

NYT Crossword Fullscreen

Adds a full-screen button to the NYT crossword UI.

Macron Manu

Tout simple, remplace le nom d'Emmanuel Macron par Manu !

Kinozal Helper view content helper.


Add a button to sort tv show episodes by rating on

Hide YouTube Dopamine

Hides like and dislike buttons and view count on YouTube and blurs video suggestions on search.

Hide Scrollable Youtube Mixes

Hide/Remove the Scrollable YouTube Mixes items from new youtube scrollable layout


Custom arrows and square highlights for

Darker Scrollbars

Scrollbar is easier to see! No more grey on grey!

California Code Formatter

Reformats the California legal codes into something more readable.


Modals are those in page pop-up windows. Those pop up windows aren't their own window or alert window. This tries to remove all of them. *Please be aware that some pages/web app require modals to function.*

Better YouTube Subs

Adds new functionality to YouTube's subscription page.

Better Bing

Enhance your search experience on Bing with a dark mode and visual improvements

AWS Navbar Region Color

Change AWS's navbar color depending on the region

Adaptheme — theme-color -based dynamic toolbar

Adaptheme is a UI design tool to help designers visualize a web site with with a matching browser toolbar color that adapts to the site page. It takes the color from the "theme-color" attribute.

YouTube Restyler

Reverts some YouTube style changes

YouTube recom Sidebar Remover

Removes the YouTube suggestion sidebar

Youtube FTW

Open any youtube video to the full size of your tab window.

Were You Typing

Notifies you when you type something if no text boxes are currently selected, meaning the inputed text isn't going anywhere.

Toggle Page Fonts

Toggle a page's fonts On or Off.

Scott The Tube

Modify YouTube thumbnails to include Scott The Woz

Reddit Minimizer

Ever clicked a link and went back only to lose the comment you were reading due to uncollapsed comments. This keeps them minimized! Reddit is amazing, but its user experience could be better. Redditminimizer cache minimized comments.

Readable Font Size

The extension wraps long lines in the web articles to 27 letters wide, which is optimal for on-screen reading.

It works best with the add-on multi-touch zoom.

Press alf + f at any web page to activate.

Quick Resize

Resize and reposition browser window to a predefined geometry.


A simple but functional new tab replacement with quick access to recently closed tabs

One Page Reader

This add-on attempts to automatically loaded news article in one site.

Non-Ambient Youtube

Disables ambient mode on youtube videos

New New Tab Page

A minimal new tab page replacement

Mudcat Browser Tools

Adds features to Mudcat pages.
1 Italicises threads posted to since last visit.
2 Scrolls thread to first new post.
3 Persists user name and selects preview.
4 Adds quoting and linking buttons.
5 Saves and recovers text in case of failure.

liveForum text markup helper