

3702 apps in appearance

Youtube Unembed

Prevents embedded recommendations from obscuring video content.

Youtube Shorts Toggle

Adds a button that allows you to toggle shorts on or off in your subscriptions box

Youtube Revival

Revive Dislikes To Youtube

Youtube Opaquifier

Makes the parts of Youtube's UI that are ever-so-slightly transparent not.

Youtube length warning

Reduces visibility of video links on Youtube based on the video length. Intended to reduce attention-grabbing of videos that may be "padded" for monetization. Videos are mostly transparent at 10 minutes and somewhat transparent at 11 minutes.

YouTube Layout Tweak

Improves YouTube homepage layout to be more desktop friendly with increased amount of videos per row.

YouTube Kbd Nav

YouTube Keyboard Navigation to the Max.

YouTube Hide Description

This extension hides the description section on YouTube.

YouTube CeresFaunafy

Modify YouTube thumbnails to include the Hololive VTuber Ceres Fauna.

Youtube AntiTrash

Youtube ads cleaner

YouToo Adjust

Adjusts the size of the YouTube player.

YGO-DB Eco Mode

This is an UNOFFICIAL extension for the Yu-Gi-Oh Card Database that stops background animations to reduce CPU and GPU usage.

YASD with a little change

A "Yet Another Speed Dial Addons" Fork with a little change


Yahoo Mail free of advertising links

XRPTipBot Statistics Link on Twitter

Adds a link in twitter to the XRPTipBot statistics page of the user who tweeted.


My friends and family do the New York Times Crossword and the site has an annoying header that takes up a lot of the screen real estate. This is a very simple web-ext that removes that header.

XKCD Enchancer

This extension displays an explain button on (both mobile and dekstop), and redirects to, if the device is mobile.


XenBlock is a basic ad blocker made by Xenith.


Odblokowuje dostep do spiewnika Wywrota, usuwajac monit logowania.

Unlocks access to by removing the login prompt.

worm fren

A cool little guy that hangs out at the bottom of your page!

Wordle Themes

Set your own emojis for correct, wrong position, and incorrect letters in the text that gets copied when you share your Wordle results, as well as custom colors for Wordle tiles.

Window on Earth

This is a theme featuring views of earth taken from space moving past the window of the ISS. At sunset and sunrise the views change from night to day, and day to night. The browser theme moves correspondingly from dark to lighter.


Tyylikäs teemavalikoima Wilman sivustolle.

Wikipedia mobile redirect button

Allows you to quickly redirect mobile version of Wikipedia to full, computer-friendly website.

Wikipedia +

WikipediaPlus is an extension that allows you to quickly and efficiently access all relevant links on the page you're visiting.


Removes all of the "who's watching in" comments on youtube


Whittle Wikipedia pages down to just links for rapid exploration. A "See only links" button fixed at the top of each page allows you to toggle between only seeing links or seeing all text.


This addon replaces images with pictures of Woodie Flowers.

Have you ever thought, wow it would be amazing to have pictures of Woodie Flowers everywhere? Well, now you can


Website Mobile View Tester

Test the website view on different mobile devices

Web Wizard

Perform web wizardry in the form of CSS magic!