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Search for something on the fact checking website
Nyaman baca berita Kompas tanpa terganggu iklan yang menutupi 90% konten
Shows Laconic text when hovering on a TV Tropes link.
Hides your facebook timeline.
Makes Hacker News easier to read by adding a bit of color to every story, based on points.
Extension helps to clear hotstar cache and reload the page. This helps to stream hotstar live stream beyond its free limit.
Fokus uses JavaScript to emphasize anything you select by covering the rest of the page with semi-transparent black.
Offline Read Later list manager, with which you can save the current page, using the popup.
Unlike other add-ons, you can also drag links anywhere to save them (instead of using the context menu)
Cornucopia Enhancement Suite is a 3rd party browser extension that improves the browsing experience on with highlights for new comments, favorite threads, hidden content, and improved navigation.
Get browser notifications on your desktop. Never lose on time again!
It Shows the Temperature and Weather in Hyderabad.
Indicates how often the open website has been visited before, by showing a visited counter on the toolbar icon
Displays information about Spigot authors resource statistics on their resource- and profile page.
check your Instagram while you browse, plus, get badge notifications for new posts.
Don't waste time on distracting websites. A gentler alternative to website blockers.
Use this add on to go to next pages in forum without clicking tiny page numbers
Adds an overlay over Murdoch "news".
Adds more features to MeWe
Make Donald Duck Again!
This tool simplifies web3 research by providing a concise summary that removes clutter, making it easier to understand.
An extension which adds the thumbnail preview already implemented in some places on Ekas, across the whole site.
Quickly search a definition, translate inline or read out loud. This tool is a curated selection of major dictionaries and TTS services.
Current Status – The Political Web's Front Page.
Get the top political news on your new tab page.
Current Status is the easiest way to keep up with political news, on your new tab page.
Puts an RSS/Atom subscribe button back in URL bar.
Unlocks articles on
Returns the old Twitter logo to the site.
fix font and direction of
Save web pages to Quiche Reader.
Select and curate web sentences, images, and pages.
Automatically keep them on your own Google Sheets, and sync all those scraps across iOS and android NoteSheet apps.
Enable Right-click and selection even in the domain that prevents it.