Automagically show the comments section on mybroadband.co.za

Shows meetup events for Mozilla

Removes sponsored posts from m.facebook.com

This extension shows Bikram Sambat Calendar date as extension icon, monthly calendar as dropdown for Firefox browser.

Enhance your experience on Hacker News

Memes from Reddit directly in your browser

a helper to improve medium.com

Counts words in a medium.com article.
Adds a rough word count at the top of each Medium story next to the read time.

This adds a list of keyboard shortcuts to the Medium editor window.

Enables Medium.com in countries blocking the website like Egypt, more info here: https://qz.com/africa/1017939/

Hides all the premium content so that Medium's feed only shows available articles

Easy way to save your place in Medium articles and return to them later.
For more information, visit https://github.com/cedricium/medium-bookmarklets
For a demo video, checkout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s8P4-ZKylI

Browser extension that brings LaTeX to Medium

This extension is the chemo to the cancer that is me.me. Install to remove me.me from google image search results.

Markdown editor for blogger

This extension provides desktop notifications when new chapters have been added to your favourite Manga titles. Supports series from Mangafox ( http://mangafox.la ) and Mangastream ( http://readms.net/ ).

Malaysiakini news coverage concentrates mainly on local events, with a strong emphasis on items related to Malaysian politics.

Make space by removing all fixed elements on a page.

Adds custom HashFlag to the tweets containing #MahsaAmini, #مهسا_امینی, #opIran and #اعتصابات_سراسری.

Koronavírus hírek Magyarországgal, magyarokkal és a környező országokkal kapcsoaltban. Egy nem hivatalos hírgyűjteménye a magyar nyelvű sajtóban megjelent koronavírussal kapcsolatos híreknek.

Get the latest news about your favorites cryptocurrencies in a single click from any websites.

Provides meaning of highlighted words in notifications

A simple addon for alerting when a user got messages.

Personen, die auf LobbyPedia.de auftauchen, werden hervorgehoben. Das Plugin operiert (ohne Server) nur in deinem Browser.

What is Ligma?

this add-on will redirect Reddit(reddit.com) to libreddit instance(https://libredd.it) for faster load on old computers and privacy related reasons

Filter for your Twitter timeline. Plus some UI improvements.

Changes pages to dark mode and adds CSS hyphens to make it easier to read.

Removes the fresh news pop-up and generally restores the site to its original state (without some extra 'info' at the header)

Making cmmtr comments legible.