Idea Minr is the place where you can discover the latest business, startup, product and innovation ideas.

Online Horoscope and Astrological News - ZodiacPage.com

Browse links on a HackerNews thread, fast!

Hackernews Comments Management
Available operations:
- Select and copy text
- Extract the comments containing links.
- Export to text/markdown or Yaml
- Show extension's clipboard
Project repo: https://github.com/abdelkaderamar/hn-comments

Filter Hacker News articles by points and allows easy page navigation.

sneak peek hacker news

HN Card adds profile overlays to Hacker News usernames

Add a button to the event page on HLTV to download an ICS file that contains all the matches.

An extremely simple and minimal text highlighting tool. Select text, right click, highlight!

One of the missing functionalities of medium.com is to hide stories. Our add-on allows precisely this.

This extension allows you to remove counters for likes, comments, reposts, views, notifications, etc. on VKontakte

It offers hiding the links on the webpages you are surfing.

A popup ticker which shows the price, market cap, and volume for the HempCoin Crypto currency.

HealthyCeleb.com keeps you updated about your favorite celebrities regarding their workout, diet and interesting facts (biography).

Adds checkboxes next to each post on https://hckrnews.com/, copies selected checkboxes to clipboard.

Daily Hadith in your Firefox browser

A better way to collapse comment threads on Hacker News!

Shuffle the comment tree on a given Hacker News post.

Nice dark theme for Hackernews.

An addon that lists up to FIVE HUNDRED of the latest and hottest Hacker News stories

HackerEarth Extension keeps you updated with upcoming challenges and other resources on HackerEarth.

Keep track of your favorite subjects on Hacker News.

Visually emphasize stories on HN by changing font size according to the number of points (upvotes) and comments

Displays Hacker News in the sidebar. Provides toggle shortcut and toolbar button.
Recommended to unlock the sidebar width by following the step-by-step guide over at my blog.

Remove upvote and comment counts from Hacker News.

Whiter background, narrower, declutered

Save web pages to GrowList

La funcion principal de la extension es reemplazaz el nombre del presidente por Gordo Comunista Feo en cualquier website que visites. Idea Original de Jesus Roldan Z. Version para Firefox por @rafaelmmv.

Our GoTennisRacquets.com extension will show you the Best Tennis Racquets & Equipment buying guide links.