Add bells to the top of the tumblr dashboard.

Extension to auto click 'Skip Recap' and 'Skip Intro' on streaming pages, when they pop up

A better way to browse files: less-restricted from the OS. Supports Videos and Images currently.

Youtube Player

Redirects YouTube shorts to play in the standard player.

Change the speed of Youtube videos to whatever you like, with customizable presets and keyboard shortcuts!

Automatically Like and Subscribe from YouTube!

Vulguard is a profanity filter for internet videos.
Supports: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, PeacockTV, and YouTube

Create a watch party straight from your browser—works anywhere, ad-free.

Conveniently save songs on Youtube to your Liked Songs playlist on Spotify.

This extension allows you to search the royalty free vector cliparts on RFclipart.com collection using the awesome bar. To test it out, type 'rf' into the awesome bar followed by a search string (e.g. rf business card).

Slovak online radios.

A grid view of most pupular videos on YouTube.

Native SoundCloud Downloader.

Redirect YouTube links to the myTube! Windows 10 app

Upload your Instagram Pics to Generate the Most popular Niche Hashtags for your Instagram Post

Open a VidSrc.me tab from any IMDB title site.

Plays a Copyright Free Lofi rain ambience sound for users to improve productivity

Scrobble from current last.fm page

Warns you if a file you just downloaded is under 4 KB or if the server returned an error during the download, which could mean you just downloaded an error page instead.

Yes it is possible to play no video on YouTube only audio.

Synchronizes watched anime/read manga with MyAnimeList or Kitsu

Quickly switch context to watch YouTube video without impacting your watch history!

Lets you easily crosspost images from popular furry art websites to Weasyl.

Display a snapshot of a YouTube video with Cmd-Opt-S. Click anywhere to dismiss.

Allows for easy Twitch clip timing courtesy of https://vidtimer.com.

Control Audio and Video Elements from all tabs from the toolbar button popup menu

Mute/unmute all tabs at once using hotkeys

Adds google/yandex/iqdb/wait/etc reverse searches to the context menu on images

HBO player has a bug that makes the loading dots appear continuously. This extension simply removes them.