Filters out YouTube-Shorts from the subscriptions page. Allows whitelisting of channels

Hides or shows the YouTube video controls.

Load only audio on YouTube Music.

Allows the user to adjust the volume scaling of the YouTube Music player.

Browser extension for Vidio.com, watch Live and VOD content in windowed fullscreen mode

Video Speed Controller for netflix video, primevideo, hotstar, etc.

When using tabs with tumblr, it jumps to archive section when pressing the button.

SideTwitch is an extension that allows you to embed an iframe containing a live twitch channel into your tabs. It can be moved around in your tab (size, position) and follows you as you switch tabs.
More at https://github.com/nugetchar/sidetwitch

Let's you open a random post from your bookmarks.

This extension allows any picture from any site to be added to your NSFWit Image Bank

For people who like to have autoplay default to off.

Adds Geometry Dash functionality to the Newgrounds Audio Portal.

NEXXT Tabs will replace your default browser tab with a modern looking and customizable one.

Adds a 'Watch Next' feature to Nebula videos

Parempi muusikoiden.net.

Explore the world with Mapillary street images.

See the latest and most popular Alex Jones / InfoWars Video
View the Latest News Videos Daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click.
Addon uses 3rd party site (www.1clickdaily.com) for operation.

Simplify the way you add notes in jnote
with this official plugin for firefox.

Jojo Alphabet - send a picture from jojo that corresponds to a certain letter.

Compare images in quality

It will help you to find match link on tricks4you and help to watch on hotstar

This will hide youtube end-cards of last time video

Removes all views, likes, and subscription numbers from youtube for a cleaner experience without pre-judgements.
Inspired by CGP Grey & Brady Haran
Created by www.TomLum.com

One-click button to pause all media players

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قم بتعزيز تجربتك في تصفح موقع Egy.best عن طريق التخلص من الإعلانات وإضافة المزيد من الوظائف إلى الموقع.

This extension will show a bigger version of images on EDHREC when they are hovered over.

With just a right click you can select and then search images based on their extensions.
For example as a Web Developer you need .png images for background and for transparency or you need a jpg image where size is big.

Clear Youtube interface by hiding some of its components.

Have some fun time playing Bubble shooter apples