See the latest and most popular TYT The Young Turks Videos daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Extension uses 3rd party site (www.supernewsworld.com) for operation.

See the latest and most popular PewDiePie Video. View the Latest Videos Daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Addon uses 3rd party site (www.supernewsworld.com) for operation.

See the latest and most popular Nintendo Videos daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Extension uses 3rd party site (www.supernewsworld.com) for operation.

See the latest and most popular Joe Rogan Videos.
View the Latest Joe Rogan Videos Daily.
Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click.

See the latest and most popular H3H3 Videos daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Extension uses 3rd party site (www.1clickdaily.com) for operation.

Allows you to use keyboard shortcuts on the last.fm web player.

This addon replaces images with pictures of John Zina

Get Markdown-formatted links for GIFS, for embedding in Github PRs, comments, etc.

Intensify images with a simple right-click.

Instagram Filters for your images. Upload your image either from an URL or local file.
Available Filters: Clarendon, Gingham, Moon, Lark, Reyes, Juno, Slumber, Crema, Ludwig, Aden, Perpetua.

Take screenshot of the entire webpage with just one click.

Extension for AudioGata, VideoGata, and ReaderGata

Open images on supported sites in full resolution.

Finds all sorts of images and videos located under the cursor.
This open-source, tracking-free extension allows you to work around the nasty tricks some websites employ to deter users from accessing media assets on a page.

Watch the great Comedy Classic film His Girl Griday

** Supports both old and new Youtube layouts **
if link is "youtube.com/channel/*" or "youtube.com/user/*" and this link have video in specific period (minute, hour, day, week)

Hide YouTube end cards to enjoy an uninterrupted video-watching experience.

removes verification checkmarks from youtube

Hide seekbar on YouTube

The extension allows you to listen GIKRadio directly in the browser. Walk on the Internet and listen good music!

GYSA displays adorable animated GIFs that instantly make you feel better.

Use this plugin to quickly and efficiently upload videos from your own Facebook account into GazeTV platform.

Adds a button to suggest related ganjoor.net poems for Pinterest items (targets Persian speaking users)

FocusTube removes distractions on YouTube by only showing you the video when you try to watch a YouTube video in your browser

Switch to Flickr (Pin Tab) with a single click or a Hot Key (Alt+F)!

Replace New Tab page with a curated movie recommendation

Remember those YouTube tunes that you once loved, but completely forgot? Fido will give you a random throwback on demand!

Control YouTube playback speeds via keyboard

Browser extension that removes distracting elements from Youtube™

sofware made py noureddine