

2160 apps in photos-music-videos

New Travel Theme

Checks the users time and then shows a travel theme every hour.

Nature Tab

A custom New Tab with beautiful nature wallpapers and backgrounds to make your day! Beautiful backgrounds with every new tab.

MyTube Layout

Design your own YouTube layout to reflect your style and preferences, revolutionizing your viewing experience.

My Man Godfrey

Watch the great Comedy Classic film My Man Godfrey

Movie will open in New Tab and you can Right click then Save as to Download movie or watch online

My Favorite Brunette

Watch the Full Comedy Classic in your browser.

Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, Peter Lorre

Music Play Countdown 123

Performs a countdown before playing a song.

Malolan's New Tab

Displays a photograph by C.Malolan when you open a new tab

Malcolm Gauthier

Modify YouTube thumbnails to include CadBrad

Living Scriptures Ratings

This add-on adds additional movie information to the living scriptures website for movies that are listed on The Movie Database.

LibriVox Playmaker

This extension makes the "Play" button on LibriVox audiobook pages actually functional.

Letterboxd Time Convertion

Adds hours and minutes on Letterboxd film pages

League Theme

Checks the users time and then shows a travel theme every hour.

Latest The View Videos

See the latest and most popular ABC's The View videos free in 1-Click. View the Latest News Videos Daily with Whoopi Goldberg, Paula Faris, Sara Haines, Sunny Hos. Addon uses 3rd party site ( for operation.

Latest Gary Vaynerchuk Videos

See the latest and most popular Gary Vaynerchuk Videos daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Extension uses 3rd party site ( for operation. Tweaks Master

Take control of your experience with the Tweaks Master extension. Unleash a world of design choices through a convenient options menu.

Jepsen Roulette

Every YouTube link now has a 1 in 3 chance of being Carly Rae Jepsen's I Really Like You. (Please prank responsibly and be kind to others!)


Downloads all images opened in tabs of current window into <download-path>/imgdl-tabs/<date> folder.


Image Block with application ID

Image, Anchor & iFrame Remover

Should remove most images, perhaps often at the expense of data.

Image companion

A Browser extension that lets you zoom, pan, and download svgs and images from any website in full resolution.

Imagcx Uploader

Upload images to Imagcx by simply right-clicking.
Note: Login Required.

HungryFREAK Toolbar Menu

Create a menu item in the Firebox toolbar that will allow quick access to all your favorite HungryFREAK links.


Hides all images in all webpages. disables viewing all images and videos in all websites. removes most images and videos from being seen by the user. For cellphone users this Does not stop images from being downloaded but only hides them.

Helmet advisorss

Take a screenshot from the entire website with just one click!


Share any webpage using the Heavybuzz crowd-sharing platform that pays and rewards users for sharing anything that matters to them.


Addon to help people download all currently opened Firefox tabs images at once for "research purpose". firefox extension will allow you easy access to your account which you can use to grow your instagram account organically right through your firefox browser.

Global Music Hotkeys Helper

Allows your browser music players to be controlled by the Global Music Hotkeys application


Add a button to convert code blocks into GitHub Gists


fresh Tabs is a new add-on which displays time, to-do/task list and a new fresh wallpaper whenever a new tab is opened, now with weather support.