Make view web quick and simple, block useless web content to let web fast, set browser UserAgent as needed, block cross sites Referer http request to protect privacy.
Find out which sites you're visiting have been pwned, using the database
BarbBlock is a content blocking extension. It blocks requests to sites which have used DMCA takedowns to force removal from other blacklists.
Запрос политики (RequestPolicy) для Quantum. Запретите вашему браузеру подключаться к сторонним ресурсам без согласия пользователя.
Removes annoying cookie banners from websites, without accepting them.
Generate fake information like Cpf, Cnpj and creditcard to tests purpose.
WebWormhole lets you send files from one place to another.
Secure Password Generator (SPG) - Install once, use anytime. Available at
Permet de désactiver les effets de style sur le clavier virtuel de la Banque Postale
Source code :
Start the AusweisApp2
Loads lazy load images normally which would otherwise never show up with JavaScript disabled.
MIMOS SigNature Extension (e10s). Use your digital certificate to perform digital signature on web browser
Changes the style of Google's search ads, making them easier to identify.
A Browser Extension for chromium/firefox browser. Small tool for Developers & Pentesters.
Documentation :
Opensource :
ZipeZip is a big file transfer service with a simple malware scanner, which enables you to send files with size up to 2GB.
The file you uploaded will be kept 14 days.
Files uploaded to ZipeZip’s server are deleted automatically 14 days afte
Correct the display and quoting of links mangled by Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Links.
This extension summarizes privacy policies automatically.
Instructions on how to use the add-on:
Install the add-on on firefox browser;
open the web page which contains the privacy policies you would like to check;
Click on "Start";
Adds Lukol as the default search engine in your browser.
Forbid non-LAN webs to access LAN or localhost. An anti-scan protection
Adds a search engine that searches
This extension makes the Librex instance hosted by Devol as the default search engine
Unlock restrictions, protect your privacy, remove annoying elements, auto clicks, and replace disliked words.
Quickly view basic info about every webpage, including server location, IP addresses, certificate issuer and expiration date, HTTP status code and load time.
Hopefully improves your privacy by replacing browser fingerprints
A tool to increase the awareness of your digital data traces.
Keep ads from pausing when you switch to another tab
ClickJacking is a tool developed by Pentester Helper to help website owners determine if their website is vulnerable to clickjacking.
Stop your children from entering pornographic websites! Very easy to use. Doesn't slow down your computer.
Converts base64 encoded links and copies to clipboard and opens them in separate tab
Block websites so you don't get tempted to get inside them when you need to work!