

1315 apps in shopping

Exchange Rates Now To USD

Convert EUR, CAD, GBP and JPY currencies to USD now! Conversion rates updated hourly!

Estimate My Project

Calculate your web. mobile, embedded systems or desktop app costs

Essie Hand Previewer

Automatically select the Essie nail polish hand preview for your skin tone when browsing nail polishes on their website.

ESG Index by Protect US

The ESG Index by Protect US allows you to see the political spending rating of a company when shopping online!


See the latest products on with one click.

eBay Search Scraper

Scrape product data from eBay search results and display it in a table on a new tab

e-commerce 4 Ukraine

The e4U addon allows you to support Ukraine’s reconstruction effort for free each time you shop online. You pay what you usually do while more than 1700 online stores share their revenue with NGOs working in Ukraine.

Divar Price Reader

An Extention For Read Price From

Digikala Application Only Prices

Display Digikala Application Only Prices

Das Ominöse Add-On

Das Add-On sorgt dafür, dass Du nie wieder vergisst, Deine Einkäufe über den Partnerprogramm Verweis Deines Lieblings-Podcast verbuchen zu lassen.

CXSports Fan Support

With the CXSports Fan Support turned on, if the URL you are looking for is one of participant merchants, a percentage of your transaction will then be given to support CXSports Fan Support. Tip: You can always look first on our list of participating

Craigslist Per-Bedroom Price

Changes Craigslist prices on housing listings to display per-bedroom price

Coupon Rovers

Join the Coupon Rovers and never miss the latest deals and updates. Explore our website to check out the discount offers.

Coupon Notifier

Store your own coupons/voucher codes for websites. No external offers are used. A notification appears on the sites to remind you that you have a code to use (for example a refund, a gift code received in a newsletter, etc.).

Colibri: Make Charitable Purchase

Turn your online shopping into a charitable act with a single click.

CodesFinder By DayBreakWeekly

CodesFinder allows users to find the discounts they're looking for with ease.

CO2ok Ninja

Make your shoppping climate neutral! (no extra costs)

Shop climate neutral by compensating CO₂ emissions for the production of your online purchases.


Clears the clipboard content and fill the memory with ZERO.

Removes all cookies with hotkey combination Alt+Shift+Y.

Choice Reward Card

Use your Choice points for online shopping. Load or view your Choice Reward Card at the checkout without leaving the page!

Charity Kite

This extension redirects to

It's the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service – but they donate a percentage of each purchase to the charitable organization of your choice.

Cat BackPack

this extension is about backpack shopping. The Cat BackPack site is the shopping site which allow you to find the best backpack for you


CashBlack is an exciting new online shopping reward.

Buy It Yourself

Why more expensive if you can buy it yourself with lower price. No more middleman online


Shows products on OuedKniss stores based on a budget.

Budget Planner

Best Budget Planner Addon for Firefox
Powered by from BudgetPlanner.Best Deals Enhancer

This is an enhancement add-on for website. The website defaults to only showing price data for a release on Amazon. This add-on adds a price history chart for both Best Buy and Wal-mart to the pages for each release.

Banggood Good Search

Filter products for keyword and availability at Banggood.

Aussie Shopper

Offers helpful functions to aid in the Aussie shopping experience.

ASDA Groceries Helper

Tools to help quickly complete grocery orders on the UK ASDA site.


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