Organize your starred contacts in Slack easily
Keep Youtubes opinions to itself.
Romeo: notify incoming messages with a gentler sound. Disable the default sound in the PlanetRomeo Notification Sound settings to keep only the pop sound from this extension.
Shows Reddit stats on every webpage indicating how many up-votes that webpage has received.
Converts custom font characters to standard alphabetic characters.
Browser Extension that enables you to register and switch Web Identities (WebIDs) across an single HTTPS (TLS) session without browser restart.
Native SoundCloud Downloader.
Gmail-like keyboard shortcuts for the Messenger web app (
Upload your Instagram Pics to Generate the Most popular Niche Hashtags for your Instagram Post
Friends+Me is the best way to share great content to Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, LinkedIn and Pinterest from ANYWHERE on the web. Content can be scheduled immediately or saved as a draft for later.
Let you quickly save any web page on your social network or share business, shopping, marketing and services bookmarks easily to and multiple networks Facebook, Twitter,Google+ or use them as social homepage buttons in Firefox start page.
The addon highlights a possible phone numbers that you can click to dial. The addon only works in combination with axeos CTI desktop app. If you do not have that desktop app then there is no need to install this addon.
TrackKnight is a complete Email Tracking System, it allows you to track the emails you’ve sent with your Gmail or any outlook account.
Your steem voting power
Prevents the mobile-friendly version of reddit from loading in a mobile browser.
Make Minds Dark with this extension!
Bulb icon a owned by © Minds
WebExtension for m <-> www on URL
How to browse facebook faster? use ! But this mobile version sometimes lacks important functions. This extension makes it easy to switch between m <-> www .
This extension allows you to block users on Hacker News.
Sort and filter Metafilter comments by Favorites.
Uma ferramenta para detecção de Anúncios com conteúdo político e notícia falsa no facebook.
Sets constant playback rate.
There was only one site left in the web, and the mission was to save it.
Segoe UI? Sounds good, doesn't work. Helvetica is great, the best.
Adds an RSS button for Instagram accounts using RSS Bridge
Showing spread prices and percentages for a better decision.
See source code:
Bookmarklet für Edutags
This add-on ConnectMe Deskshare is used for Screen sharing feature of our application. A moderator can share screen with others and can also give control to others using this add-on. A user can install the add-on and use it immediately.
Block Mong Flood! is now on Firefox!!!
Redirects all Amazon[.com|.de|] links to Smile.Amazon.* so that you don't forget to contribute to your favorite non-profit ❤
Free and open-source.
Расширение для браузера, которое позволит моментально открыть органайзер СП Помощника.