File this for me helps you filing content for your archive. By default it does not save entire webpages, but filtered content (`body article`) as markdown or html.
Since version 0.36 File This can save complete pages as HTML (desktop and mobile) or PDF (desktop only)
A modern way to collect newspaper clippings or scraps.
Out of the box it offers three ways, be sure to choose one in the settings and allow needed permissions after install:
- native messaging *
- download to download folder **
- remote API
* not available for Android Firefox, ** in 0.36 fixed for Android Firefox
For the remote API you have to setup an endpoint, it should process a `"Content-Type": "application/json"` POST request.
The native messaging method can be used to process content: mail, pdf, DB e.g..
You can also load a remote config file (json), to tune specific domain settings.
"default": {
"n":"body article",
"h":"article h1", // title
"a":"[itemprop=author],article [class*=author]", //author
"p":"//time/@datetime", // time/date
"i":"article [class*=intro]" // introduction
"c":"script, style ,.socials, [class*=__ad__],[class*=sharing],[class*=share],.modal,.icons,[class*=warning]"
}, // clean/filter article
"": {
"n":"body article",
"h":"article h1",
"a":"article .article__byline__list__link__author",
"i":"article .article__intro"
"c":"script,style,.lees-ook,.article__footer,.print-layout-warning,.share "
The default settings works for WordPress articles.
This extensions uses turndown as a third party dependency.
turndown is copyright © 2017+ Dom Christie and released under the MIT license.

- License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later
- Weekly downloads: 0
- Average daily users: 1
- Rating: 0/5 of 0 ratings
- Created: 2018-10-03 13:30:50
- Last updated: 2022-07-15 14:45:32
- Homepage:
- Support site and email
- Orig:
- API: