


Say you are reading an online article. Say this particular article is a medical article. This add-on adds a trueness checker button on your page. This button give you an option to obtain a truthfulness indication of the webpage currently loaded in your browser. Once you click this button, the button then shows the number of doctors or medical experts that commented about this article in any social media sites. If no doctor or medical expert has commented on the article, the button offers you an option to request experts to rate the article. You can also rate the trueness of the article using your expertise. Your expertise claim is independently verified.


* Provides an option to obtain the truthfulness indication
* If requested, displays the number of experts that commented on the trueness of web pages that you visit
* Provide an option to read the trueness comments by experts
* Provide an option for you to request experts to rate and comment on the trueness of the articles
* Provide an option for you as an expert to rate about the trueness of online articles

TruthLens Extension interacts with service.
