


All those things are organised as modules that can be turned on or off. This can be done in settings > apps

Main modules, pick those you want:

Tagging notifications with the show they are for, and grouping similar notifications.
Add the score someone gave a show to the feed when they complete it.
Add a button to collapse comment threads in the forum.
An additional page of stats for your list and the database overall.
Compare your lists with other people.
Get a like/comment filter in the feed, and the ability to filter out specific types of activities or content.
Different layouts for the site.
Pick your own colours for the site.
Get the average score of a show from your followers
Quickly see how many followers/following someone has.
Add MAL scores and recommendations.
Visually separate manga and anime activities
Render preview cards for age restricted material too.
Show tag definitions when adding tags.
Add sorting and filtering options to staff pages, as well as your personal status for the shows.
Show the favourite counts for staff, characters and studios.
Tag available dubs.
Import lists from Anime-Planet JSON files
Extended genre and tag statistics.
Give studios in favourites a logo.
Make your own aliases for titles.

Sortable and filterable staff pages Grouping notifications Check which manga you're behind on Find your ancient activities Vertical nav Get all the tags instead of just 30