Automatically cyles to the next active mturk HIT in window on submit.
When the current browser window has accepted HITs in multiple tabs, Mturk Tab Cycler automatically moves to the next active HIT tab in the window when the current hit is submitted or otherwise unloaded. This saves a lot of wasted loading time when working on quick tasks.
Only tabs in the current window containing accepted HITs will be focused, so you can have other things open in tabs in the same window without any interference to your tasks.
You can also activate tab cycling with a userscript."tab forward",'*') will advance to the next HIT tab. Tab cycling on unload will only activate if the tab is visible, so if you use a userscript or any other means to change tabs, you will not cycle forward a second time when the HIT unloads.
- License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Weekly downloads: 1
- Average daily users: 7
- Rating: 0/5 of 0 ratings
- Created: 2019-10-12 21:07:54
- Last updated: 2019-10-13 06:05:14
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- API: {08630518-ed4a-4154-a4b1-833ed51b0176}