- 📂 File tree for repository and pull request
- 🔎 Instant file search and navigation
- 🕶️ Support private repositories
- 🧩 Support GitHub enterprise, Gitea, Gitee, and more
- 🏎 Always performant, even in gigantic projects
- ⌨️ Intuitive keyboard navigation
- 📋 Copy snippets and file content
- 🎨 Various icons and official themes support
- 🗂 Support git submodule
- 📏 Fold source code
- License: MIT License
- Weekly downloads: 5
- Average daily users: 506
- Rating: 4.9167/5 of 24 ratings
- Created: 2019-11-03 15:23:46
- Last updated: 2023-08-12 17:40:24
- Homepage: https://github.com/EnixCoda/Gitako
- Support site and email
- Orig: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/gitako-github-file-tree/
- API: {983bd86b-9d6f-4394-92b8-63d844c4ce4c}