

FoE - Helper

>> Note: We are currently looking for translators for other languages. Take a look: <<

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For the page statistics can be collected and evaluated on the website. These include guild member statistics, guild member motivation activities, friends and neighbors. And all this fully automated in the background.

Furthermore, the extension currently shows in the form of a sidebar ingame:
- Cost calculator (costs of the respective places and / or snipe-places)
- own account calculator (order of deposits + own account calculator)
- harvestable FPs (SdW must be motivated)
- own FP production (how many FP does my city produce?)
- Outpost - Goods overview
- and much more

- requires the use of the game "Forges of Empire" in the HTML5 version

Errors or requests can be reported directly in the github:

Kostenrechner erkennt ob das LG angeschlossen ist Voll automatischer Eigenanteilsrechner. Befüllt selbstständig alle Plätze mir den Einzahlungen. Kostenrechner erkennt sichere Plätze Gildengefechte können getracked werden Produktionsübersicht mit Anzeige eines bestimmten Gebäudes in der eigenen Stadt