

Customizable web home

This firefox extension changes the home page and the new tab page to a customizable web page with three main elements:

  1. A text input that can be used to make a quick search in one of the supported search engines: google, duckduckgo and startpage
  2. A table with your favorites web sites
  3. A preferences area from witch you can customize the page

If you want to customize the home page as you like, click the gear icon, this will make the page to enter edit mode witch let you change the following aspect of the page:

When you are happy with your changes, you can save them to the browser storage by clicking the save changes button, the data saved on this storage won't be deleted unless you uninstall extension

This extension also allows you to import and export your configuration, you can download a .json file with the current configuration of the page by clicking the "Export actual configuration" button (in preferences). To load the configuration stored on a .json file, go to the file picker label as "Import from" (in preferences) and select the .json file, this will make the page to be updated with the selected configuration. Don't forget to save the changes because if you don't, the imported data will be lost

The source code of the extension can be found in this gitlab repository, if you want to contribute to this project feel free to do it!

Main elements of the page: 1-quick-search-bar, 2-table-of-sites, 3-preferences-area Customizable elements: sites, table dimensions, background color, etc. The export button for downloading the .json file with the current configuration (purple) and a file picker to import a .json file (green) Example of page customized 1 Example of page customized 2 Example of page customized 3