

Download with Aria2

Built-in light-weight Download Manager
Options for Download Folder, Download Capturing, User Agent, and HTTP Proxy
Passthrough download headers if exist
Capture downloads based on user settings
Filter tasks based on their status
Restart stopped/removed tasks
Pause/unpause tasks (click on progress bar)
Limit maximum download/upload speed for concurrent tasks
Add/remove all-proxy for concurrent tasks
Add new tasks via JSON Object/Array of Object {url, referer, filename}
Add/remove uri source for non-bittorrent tasks
Select/unselect files to download for bittorrent tasks

Options: Basic Options: Advanced Error message after taskName since R4300 R4300 main window Options: Download JSON Array of urls since R4700 JSON Object {Array of url, filename, folder} since R4700 Support multi source for non-bittorrent download since R4700 Add/remove uri source for non-bittorrent download since R4700