- ⭐️ Custom events in the schedule
Want to add an event to your schedule? With this extension it's finally possible! - ⭐️ Calculating grade point average
Some schools disable the ability to display grade point average. If they don't want Librus to count it, your computer will count it instead. - ⭐️ Hiding subjects without grades
Why should they even display if you don't get a single grade out of them all year? - ⭐️ Depression Mode
Subdued colors for grades and schedule events when you are not feeling well. Depression mode can be enabled in the extension options menu. - ⭐️ Visual improvements
- displaying the proposed behavior in the main table,
- option to disable the display of ones,
- removing unnecessary buttons from the navigation bar (Surveys, Library),
- removing the alternative version button, because who the hell needs it anyway,
- adding a Lesson Plan button instead, which opens in new tab instead of window
- adding event descriptions in the schedule with no need to hover over them to read,
- information about your number from the journal next to the Lucky Number and information when it will be yours!