

Dark mode w/ keyboard controls

Four modes are supported--click the addon's icon near the URL bar to cycle through them or use the keyboard shortcuts below:

1. Invert colors and reduce the contrast (Ctrl + 1).
2. Invert colors with unaltered contrast (Ctrl + 2).
3. Unaltered colors with reduced contrast (Ctrl + 3).
4. Unaltered colors and contrast (Ctrl + 4).

Additional keyboard shortcuts are:

Cycle through the modes: Alt + R
Cycle through the modes in reverse order: Alt + Shift + R
Toggle the extension on/off (on a per-website basis): Alt + Q

All keyboard shortcuts are configurable: right click the addon's icon near the URL bar and click "Manage Extension." Click the gear icon near the top right of the page and select "Manage Extension Shortcuts."

This extension works locally and does not access the network.

License: GNU GPLv2. Credit to for the original extension (which did not have keyboard controls).
