

Yahoo Screen Space Saver

This add-on hides some of the ads on Yahoo Mail, as well as hiding the gray banner at the top of the page, to make the site work better for smaller screens.

Ads hidden:
- Right Sidebar Ad
- Top Banner Ad (when viewing an email)
- Ads between emails* (when viewing inbox)

*Yahoo makes it difficult to remove the gap for the ad, but the ad text is not shown

Space freed:
- Top gray header hidden (Home/Mail/News/Finance)
- Right toolbar hidden

The add-on asks for permission to `Access your data for sites in the domain` and `Access your data for`, but this add-on does not read any of your emails - it only hides (does not display) the advertisements.

The source code for this add-on can be found on ( .

You can also view the code by right-clicking the "Add to Firefox" button and selecting "Save Link As...". Then change the file's extension from `.xpi` to `.zip` and extract the file.

Before and after installing the add-on. Elements removed are highlighted with a red box. Before and after installing the add-on. Elements removed are highlighted with a red box. The Contacts/Calendar/Settings toolbar can be found to the right of the main contents.