- Supports any link in the form https://www.fflogs.com/reports/*
- Supports full fight reports, specific fight reports, as well as specific character reports and takes you to the appropriate XIVAnalysis page
- #fight=last defaults to the full fight page, you will need to select the last fight in this situation
Current To-Dos:
- Functional button on report links rather than a toolbar button
- Look into a better solution for #fight=last
- License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Weekly downloads: 1
- Average daily users: 18
- Rating: 0/5 of 0 ratings
- Created: 2022-04-14 16:35:53
- Last updated: 2022-04-15 16:41:51
- Homepage:
- Support site and email
- Orig: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fflogs-xivanalysis/
- API: {a7745255-7077-4d3a-af35-6c481da7ff5b}