I Love the online Cambridge dictionary ( → https://dictionary.cambridge.org) but wanted to tweak a few things.
This is a very simple add-on that let's you focus on the word you look up. Besides you will have 2 short-cuts, Ctrl-f to toggle the search bar and Ctrl-n to scroll to the next grammatical category (noun, adjective, adverb, ...).

- License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Weekly downloads: 1
- Average daily users: 9
- Rating: 0/5 of 0 ratings
- Created: 2022-09-10 08:29:53
- Last updated: 2023-04-28 08:05:35
- Homepage:
- Support site and email
- Orig: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/beautify/
- API: {8b47a86f-7b2f-456b-9611-a04ad893a32b}