Yle's (the Finnish broadcasting company) online news sometimes feature news stories which are presented like "stories" on social media platforms. These "articles" are heavily mobile centric and not desktop friendly. This plugin marks those articles accordingly with a "paska mobiiliuutinen" topic.

- License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
- Weekly downloads: 0
- Average daily users: 0
- Rating: 0/5 of 0 ratings
- Created: 2022-10-01 09:21:13
- Last updated: 2022-10-02 09:25:11
- Homepage:
- Support site and email
- Orig: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/yle-mobile-news-marker/
- API: {5054152b-5e9b-408d-a27a-bd42b8c473b4}