Small Twitch Commands is an extension for chrome-based browsers and Firefox that makes twitch commands (!gamble, !discord, etc) smaller and less distracting.
It can also make all messages by specified users smaller and less distracting
## Functionailty
* Make twitch commands smaller
* Exempt certain commands from being smallified (e.g. !lurk)
* Smallify messages by specified users
* Works in VOD chat too
## Acknowledgments
SerBoggit: Thanks to SerBoggit for the idea, the extension icon, and the last example picture

- License: MIT License
- Weekly downloads: 0
- Average daily users: 1
- Rating: 0/5 of 0 ratings
- Created: 2022-11-24 09:42:43
- Last updated: 2023-03-28 22:50:30
- Homepage:
- Support site and email
- Orig:
- API: