

YourOnlineChoices Plugin

elps preserve your choices for online behavioural advertising from companies participating in the European OBA Self-Regulatory Programme.

YourOnlineChoices Persistence Plugin is an extension for users wanting to protect their choices related to Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA). The extension protects your choices by helping to prevent the accidental deletion of cookies that store them.

Some things you should know:

* YourOnlineChoices Persistence Plugin applies only to the participating companies (You may find the complete list here - Once you install this extension, you may still receive online advertising from participating companies, and the Web sites you visit may still collect information for other purposes than OBA.

* As more companies join the European OBA Self-Regulatory Programme, they will be automatically added to the plugin. This is an automated process and requires no action from you as an user.

* You can always check the status of your extensions by clicking Extensions in the Window menu.

* This extension and your choices set through it apply only in Firefox, so you should separately set your preferences for other browsers or computers you may use. The plugin is also available for Chrome, in the Chrome Web Store
