


The information provided by the table is the one stored by the browser, "translated" into a more human readable way.

* Domain: Domain protected under HSTS or HPKP.
* Score: This score is a Firefox value. It increases by one every different day (24 hours at least) the domain is visited.
* Date: Last day the domain was visited. It is calculated by Firefox using the number of days since 01/01/70.
* Expiration Date: Max-age of HSTS or HPKP, in other words, when the entry will expire.
* SecurityPropierty: This is a Firefox value. SecurityPropertyUnset if 0, SecurityPropertySet if 1 or SecurityPropertyKnockout if 2.
* IncludeSubdomains: Whether the HSTS or HPKP directive includes subdomains.
* HPKP Pins: List of pins in the HPKP header.
