


A meaning among the senses.
André pierre jocelyn for LAC2017

I bend over the laws and the words, Dreamer, big brother also actors and scenarios;
I have deep sacred friendship, doses ; I prevent children from mistreating things ;
I say: Do not name the plant and the animal; Bind without fear, show without hurting.
The concept is not said, laws are deduced, Radiate in the middle of being blossomed;
I wander, without troubling it, in all this paradise ; From Japanese to today's European,
That they are inattentive, in their charming languages, In the half-light that the wise men turn to
From the mysterious, drunk where fate is described, Adjust the laws, what remains of your life.
In the beginning there was man.
Area of Definition and Boundary Study
The archivist finds many definitions to describe sounds, But as the one we like is the one we create, I will keep mine.
The sound is a variation of the pressure of the air, through a physiological capacity, through what our understanding selects.
We find in this sentence the construction of all that follows.
A variation in air pressure can be written on a minimum brick of three factors.
A factor that indicates the pressure, a factor that indicates the duration, and a factor that indicates the distance of the receiver from the sound source (deformation due to fluid movement).
Physiological abilities depend on many factors, from genetics to lifestyle.
The understanding, according to how it is prepared, will be able to recognize this type of sound coding, or this type. It is a knowledge that can be transmitted only from man to man, after years of learning, that is why often certain sounds are heard only by prepared people.
As in the introduction on the use of language, the whole gives the idea, For sounds, variation does not exist by itself, It exists through the other variations, and through the filters of our understanding and our physiology. The same word can have several meanings, The same acoustic form can have several sounds, The same cause can have several effects. Several words may have the same meaning, The same sound can be produced in a multitude of ways, Several causes may have the same effect. Considering that all the sound sources are in the same place, Two factors are sufficient to generate a theoretical audio format.
To deploy this acoustic brick, through different sound dimensions at different laws, We create different factors that will direct the forms of variations, Taking advantage of the fact that several causes can have the same effect, to compensate for the fixed distance of the acoustic source.
From Lecjoa to Lecjo
I code as I speak
The code has machine constraints, the code has fixed conventions, but the code does not exist by itself or for itself. The code exists for the effects it produces, depending on the resources it asks us in exchange. Man describes the world around him by modeling, the animal imitates. To speak a language is not to align a sequence of words, it is to structure sounds to ultimately convey an understanding.
Boundary study
- The technology of today is built on the idea that it is necessary to imitate in an increasingly precise way the variations of air pressure to produce a sound. It is not adapted to the human understanding, which will require a code of conversion "man / technology" (constructor.js)
- The conventions of computer languages ​​require that a computer file declares its contents. This allows an audio file to open an audio player. This will require a code to generate an audio file with a header (adapter.js)
- Today's technology makes it possible to read quickly, to quickly compare, to imitate quickly, but does not allow to perform a large number of mathematical operations of pure logic without making errors. This will require a table containing all possible mathematical answers, to get the mathematical answers without doing any operations. (Table.js)
- Today's practices give HTML with its extensions.
A flagship is in Firefox and its extensions. Lecjo is presented as a Firefox extension, an audio plugin. (Manifest.json).
- The good management of the machine resources pushes to write once the concept of an acoustic form, and to call this acoustic form as many times as necessary with corrective coefficients (background.js)
By taking back the different files induced by pure logic, our Lecjo extension is composed of a file manifest.json, a file background.js, an adapter.js file, a file table.js, A constructor.js file, to which we add a logo in the task bar to identify when it is active
Openings of acoustic dimensions using acoustic bricks
Whoever what or
We have several levels of use of the Lecjo extension.
If we classify them into 4 categories, this gives:
Regular user
The user takes advantage of the audio plugin after installing the lecjo extension using the module page of Firefox
Simple composer
The composition of music generated with Lecjo, does not require skills in web development or acoustics.
An example should be downloaded from the support page.
Open the javascript page with its text editor.
In this page at the beginning there are names containing 75 values ​​(this may be indexed letters), these are the acoustic bricks.
The user places the acoustic bricks according to the order and the repetition, according to his choice, in the variable named: gift
The user counts how many acoustic bricks he placed, and then indicates that number at three places. First by replacing the last value of each acoustic brick by this number, second by adding 1 in the loop ui and third in the loop of i
Advanced Composer
The advanced composition does not still require web competence, but requires learning a logical system and conventions that I have created.
The principle is to generate acoustic bricks through different dimensions to different laws by building a sequence of two factors. Several dimensions are in equilibrium, depending on how these two factors evolve, allows to favor one dimension or another.
In the Lecjo version of linux created in 2010, I used 8 bytes and then 16 bytes to navigate between the dimensions. My seven years of experience led me to propose a more acoustic brick generator. A generator that partitions the spots. This generator contains 75 values.
To correct this increase in weight because 75 values ​​corresponds to 75 bytes, I have developed a technique that varies the values ​​inside the bricks, multiplying by the same to an infinity of possible bricks starting from 75 bytes and A few bytes more.
Advanced Composer

The acoustic brick is composed of 75 values.
-The first value is not used. I call it donon. By convention I increment in the acoustic brick and name the second value don1n. -don1n indicates the high position of the amplitude. In physical science this value corresponds to the percentage increase in air pressure. In viewing using a computer application type audacity, this corresponds to a high position on the ordinate axis. This value is between 30 and 220. The variation of this value is the one that will most influence the sound generated, whether of the bass or acute or from the acoustic hammer to the acoustic unicorn. -don2n indicates the duration of the front. In physical science, the time that the pressure variation will change from the old pressure to the new pressure, the unit is 1/44100 s. In visualization using a computer application type audacity, this corresponds to the variation of position on the abscissa axis. This value accompanies don1n and is between 4 and 250. -don3n indicates the number of repetitions of the first two amplitude variations. Depending on the dimensions used, giving strength uses different techniques. This value makes it possible to use a particular one. -don4n indicates the duration of a tray effect that allows you to control a particular dimension. This value is related to don72n. -don5n indicates the variation of the amplitude of don1n. This variation is a decrease in amplitude, but can become an increase in amplitude, if we give a negative value. -don6n indicates the limit of variation of amplitude of don1n, this value is very practical to pass from a sound of piano or guitar to an organ sound. -don7n indicates the variation in duration of don1n. This variation is a decrease in duration, but can become an increase duration, if we give a negative value. -don8n indicates the variation limit duration of don1n. End of first wavefront
-don9n indicates the low position of the amplitude to compose with don1n, which is called a wave. The value given with donn gives the wave 1.-don10n indicates the duration of the front of don9n. -don11n indicates the number of wavefronts used. -don12n indicates the duration of a plateau effect on don9n. This value is related to don73n. -don13n indicates the variation of the amplitude of don9n. This variation is an amplitude increase, but may become a decrease in amplitude, if we give a negative value. -don14n indicates the amplitude variation limit of don9n. -don15n indicates the variation of the duration of don9n. This variation is a decrease in duration, but can become an increase duration, if we give a negative value. -don16n indicates the variation limit duration of don9n. End of the second wavefront
-don17n repetition.-don18n indicates the amplitude of the third front -don19n indicates the duration of don18n. -don20n indicates the repetition of don18n. -don21n indicates the duration of a plateau effect on don18n. -don22n indicates the variation of the amplitude of don18n. This variation is a decrease in amplitude, but can become an increase in amplitude, if we give a negative value. -don23n indicates the amplitude variation limit of don18n. -don24n indicates the variation in the duration of don18n. This variation is a decrease in duration, but can become an increase duration, if we give a negative value. -don25n indicates the variation limit duration of don18n. End of wavefront 3
-don26n free. -don27n indicates the amplitude of the fourth front -don28n indicates the duration of don27n. -don29n indicates the repetition of don27n. -don30n indicates the duration of a plateau effect on don28n. -don31n indicates the variation of the amplitude of don27n. This variation is an amplitude increase, but may become a decrease in amplitude, if we give a negative value. -don32n indicates the amplitude variation limit of don27n. -don33n indicates the duration variation of don27n. This variation is a decrease in duration, but can become an increase duration, if we give a negative value. -don34n indicates the limit of variation duration of don27n. End of wavefront 4 -don35n free. -don36n indicates the amplitude of the fifth front -don37n indicates the duration of don36n. -don38n indicates the repetition of don36n. -don39n indicates the duration of a plateau effect on don36n. -don40n indicates the variation of the amplitude of don36n. This variation is a decrease in amplitude, but can become an increase in amplitude, if we give a negative value. -don41n indicates the amplitude variation limit of don36n. -don42n indicates the variation in duration of don36n. This variation is a decrease in duration, but can become an increase duration, if we give a negative value. -don43n indicates the variation limit duration of don27n. End of wavefront 5
-don44n free. -don45n indicates the amplitude of the sixth front. -don46n indicates the duration of don45n. -don47n indicates the repetition of don45n. -don48n indicates the duration of a plateau effect on don45n. -don49n indicates the variation of the amplitude of don45n. This variation is an amplitude increase, but may become a decrease in amplitude, if we give a negative value. -don50n indicates the amplitude variation limit of don45n. -don51n indicates the duration variation of don45n. This variation is a decrease in duration, but can become an increase duration, if we give a negative value. -don52n indicates the variation limit duration of don45n. -don53n greater than 0, indicates the activation of unicorn mode, a tool that allows acoustic surfing. Activating the surf mode in position 1: donne53 height delta (+/- 128): donne54; Width: donne55; Height repeat: donne56; Width for height stays in place: donne57; Height variation added: donne58; Limit of the height variation: donne59; Width variation: donne60; Limit of the width variation: donne61; Case gives53 equal 2: Enabling surf mode in inversion of duration; Height delta (+/- 128): gives54; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Height repeat: donne56; Case gives53 equal 3: Enabling surf mode in assymetric inversion of duration 3 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Height repeat: donne56; Case gives53 equal 4: Enabling surf mode in symmetric inversion of duration 3 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Height repeat: donne56 case donne53 equal 5: Enabling surf mode in assymetric inversion of duration 4 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Wave front 4 width: dat28; Height repeat: donne56Make surfing an audio (unicorn, White work); Activating surf mode in position 1: donne53; Height delta (+/- 128): gives54; Width: donne55; Height repeat: donne56; Width for height stays in place: donne57; Height variation added: donne58; Limit of the height variation: donne59; Width variation: donne60; Limit of the width variation: donne61; Case gives53 equal 2: Enabling surf mode in inversion of duration; Height delta (+/- 128): gives54; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Height repeat: donne56; Case gives53 equal 3: Enabling surf mode in assymetric inversion of duration 3 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Height repeat: donne56; Case gives53 equal 4: Enabling surf mode in symmetric inversion of duration 3 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Height repeat: donne56; Case gives53 equal 5: Enabling surf mode in assymetric inversion of duration 4 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Wave front 4 width: dat28; Height repeat: donne56; Case gives53 equal 6: Enabling surf mode in symmetrical inversion of duration 4 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Wave front 4 width: dat28; Height repeat: donne56; ; Box gives53 equal 7: Enabling surfing mode in symmetrical inversion of duration 5 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Wave front 4 width: dat28; Wave front 5 width: donne37; Height repeat: donne56; ; Final inertia manager; Activating the inertia mode in position 1: done62; Height: donne63; Width: donne64; Height repeat: donne65; Width for height stays in place: donne66; Height variation: donne67; Limit of the height variation: donne68; Width variation: donne69; Limit of the width variation: donne70; ; Donne74 Number of generated sound forms; ; Case gives53 equal 6: Enabling surf mode in symmetrical inversion of duration 4 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Wave front 4 width: dat28; Height repeat: donne56; ; Box gives53 equal 7: Enabling surfing mode in symmetrical inversion of duration 5 fronts; Wave front 1 width: donne2; Wave front 2 width: donne10; Wave front 3 width: dat19; Wave front 4 width: dat28; Wave front 5 width: donne37; Height repeat: donne56; ; Final inertia manager; Activating the inertia mode in position 1: done62; Height: donne63; Width: donne64; Height repeat: donne65; Width for height stays in place: donne66; Height variation: donne67; Limit of the height variation: donne68; Width variation: donne69; Limit of the width variation: donne70; ; -don74n indicates the number of acoustic bricks contained in the composition
The basic acoustic bricks by example
The use of this part of the presentation requires the installation of the extension lecjo which is at this Internet address
Two fronts without variation
We first write a javascript file that we call in the HTML page.
In this file we create one or more variables that can be called in the gift variable.
Here the variable m in the form of a table
var m={0:[],1:[],2:[],3:[],4:[],5:[],6:[],7:[],8:[],9:[],10:[],11:[],12:[],13:[],14:[],15:[],16:[],17:[]
We create a form of acoustic brick, here we indicate that there are two fronts:
var val21 = [1, 220, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30,
194, 2, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 100, 0, 1, 1];
We construct tables of variations to vary the value or values ​​of the acoustic brick, as an example over time:
var val = [169, 159, 150, 142, 134, 126, 119, 113, 106, 100, 95, 89,
84, 80, 75, 71, 67, 63, 60, 56, 53, 50, 47, 45,
42, 40, 38, 35, 33, 32, 30, 28, 27, 25, 24, 22,
21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 13, 12, 11];
We generate the variants of m:
for(var b1= 0; b1 < 48; b1++){
for(var b2= 0; b2 < 2; b2++){
for(var b3= 3; b3 < 10; b3++){
for(var b4= 11; b4 < 75; b4++){
We place our acoustic brick in the variable don:
var don=[m[44]];
We adjust the loop variables ui to 2 and i to 1 to indicate the number of acoustic bricks, and we run the audio file adn to the lecjo plugin:
var total =new Array;
var total1 =new Array;
for(var uiu= 1; uiu < 2; uiu++){
total[uiu -1] = "don"+[uiu]+"n";
total1[uiu -1]=don[uiu -1];}
for(var ui= 0; ui < 1; ui++){
for(var i= 0; i < 75; i++){
var nouveauinput;
function ajouteElemen() {
var body = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
nouveauinput = document.createElement("input");
nouveauinput.setAttribute("type", "number");
nouveauinput.setAttribute("id", total[ui]+i);
nouveauinput.setAttribute("value", total1[ui][i]);
nouveauinput.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
Two fronts with a variation of 5
var val21 = [1, 220, 6, 0, 0, 5, 130, 0, 0, 30,
194, 2, 120, 5, 129, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 20, 0, 1, 1];
Two fronts with a variation of 5 by increasing the force per repetition
var val21 = [1, 220, 6, 10, 0, 5, 130, 0, 0, 30,
194, 2, 120, 5, 129, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 20, 0, 1, 1];

Two fronts with a variation of 5 by increasing the force per plate and increase of duration
var m1 = [1, 220, 10, 1, 50, 5, 130, -5, 250, 30,
10, 2, 50, 5, 128, -5, 250, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 30, 3, 3, 1];

The Development of Lecjo
The files
Manifest.json allows to indicate the version number, the name of the application, and the useful files in the order of use.
Adapter.js is used to create the header of the audio file
Table.js allows to give all the possible solutions to the mathematical operations in order to correct the technology
Constructor.js allows to build the content of the audio file compatible with the current standards.
Background.js that tracks the opening of HTML pages to see if they contain an audio file in abadie.adn format
Related programs in Lecjo
Two projects are mainly associated with Lecjo.
Lecjoa which is generator of multidirectional language, going through the creation of interactive video.
The linux audio card that replaces the lecjo conversion file. The contribution of this card is no longer to have to convert, saving time, energy, acoustic quality, manufacturing cost of audio cards.
