The add-on places a tiny embed Youtube video on the Youtube thumbnails on mouse hover.
On the "Add-ons" screen you can access and modify the following add-on options:
- Starting point: allows you to set the time frame where the preview thumbnail video will start. Setting this one to "Beginning" will start the previews at the beginning of the video, "Halfway" at the mid-point and "Smart-Halfway" is a combination of the previous two settings, where short videos start from the beginning and long videos start halfway.
- Volume: sets the volume of the preview videos. You can set this one to 0 if you want the previews to be mute.
- Loop thumbs videos: this one is self-explanatory, if enabled, it will make the thumb previews loop by default. On most cases this wont be noticeable, but it can be useful for small videos.

- License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Weekly downloads: 1
- Average daily users: 17
- Rating: 3.2/5 of 10 ratings
- Created: 2016-11-07 22:25:19
- Last updated: 2016-11-25 20:44:59
- Homepage:
- Support site and email
- Orig:
- API: {394f90dd-669a-479b-87ed-1e7a40e2f735}